Friday, May 22, 2020

Poem For Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister of Shu Han of The Three Kingdoms

Poem For Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister of Shu Han of The Three Kingdoms 

“The Sleeping Dragon” Poem 
"There is a hermit in the mountains of Wolong
His reputation as a capable scholar is strong
He spends his days reading scrolls of history
He is an enigma concealed with total mystery
Living in a humble cottage with a thatched roof
He cultivates his mind whilst still in his youth
Then one day a fateful knock came at his door
Standing there were three mighty heroes of war
A distant relative of the Han empire named Liu Bei
He wanted to talk about the current affairs of the day
The great Kongming was very gracious and nice
Liu Bei had visited his thatched cottage thrice
The two men discussed the warlords of the age
Liu Bei was impressed with the secluded sage
Kongming showed him the famous Longzhong plan
Whilst he sat there waving his feathered crane fan
Liu Bei found his advice to be sincere and true
Zhuge Liang finally left his mountain to join Shu
A long and dangerous journey awaited the men
Kongming knew the sword couldn’t match the pen
Many schemes needed to be thought through
Such as waiting to attack Wei whilst allying with Wu
But destiny decided against restoring the Han
Zhuge Liang tearfully died of illness in the Wuzhang
His memory continues to live during this modern time
His contributions to his master were simply sublime” - 
Lord Josh Allen

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